Friday 14 October 2016

A few do's and don'ts where literature reviews are concerned

So you've chosen your question, your hypothesis or at least your topic and now it's time to start your literature review. Common mistakes I see is where students simply offer a sort of random list of arguments
or findings from a plurality of authors. This comes across as if the process of writing a literature review is irksome or just something one has to ensure and not something which has real purpose. OK, well if that's
the wrong thing to do, what's the right thing? You should be looking to establish some commonalities and differences in the literature. One needs to have the confidence to identify arguments which share the same normative viewpoint, the same sort of explanation or criticism. By doing this you become empowered and far more confident in completing your research and finding your own 'voice.' This will then provide a sort of topographical
landscape where the literature makes far more sense and where one can see the 'wood for the trees.' Whilst not comprehensive advice, at least it offers the basics and a frame of reference to start the process. Good luck!

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